Rachael Aka

About: Rachael Aka

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  • Role : Co-Founder and Tutor
  • Website : http://ministries.co
  • Experience : 13 years
  • Specialist in : Prophetic & Pastoral Ministry
I'm Rachael Aka, Co-Founder of GCMNet (Global Church Ministries Network). I'm married to Patrice and couldn't think of a better place to be than at his side, following the Lord! I love the life that Jesus promises and the freedom He brings, and my desire is that believers rise up into their full potential in Him, and the unsaved know the heartbeat of Jesus! I love family life, and one of my greatest pleasures is seeing my children play and laugh together! We all love sharing our home and lives with others and showing people the joy of the Lord, and the love of Jesus. I am humbled to be a part of this team serving you and the Body of Christ. To learn more about me please click on "About Us".